Often, when I say I am a tidying consultant, people remark, "You're Japanese; tidying is in your genes." But that's not the case.
I didn't know how to tidy until my early thirties when I discovered the Marie Kondo (KonMari) method. Until then, I had largely given up on having a beautifully organised home. The only time I seemed organised was after moving into a larger apartment with more storage space, meaning more places to hide my things.
I felt overwhelmed by all my belongings. I was uncomfortable in my own home, but didn't know what to do about it, desperately unable to get tidy...
It's normal not to know how to tidy
There's no shame in not knowing how to tidy. We are rarely taught how!
When you were a child, your parents likely asked you to tidy your room. But did they actually teach you to distinguish between items that spark joy and those that are clutter? Or how to organise things in a way that makes it natural to put them back? Was tidying your room a chore, or even a form of punishment?
Discovering the KonMari Method in 2016 was a huge relief because it taught me that 1) tidying is a skill and 2) it can be learned. Just like we aren’t born knowing how to play the piano or ride a bike, it’s normal that we don’t know how to tidy "naturally ".
Learning to tidy: knowing vs. doing
Looking for a decluttered and harmonious living space, many people turn to resources like Marie Kondo's "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" for guidance. While books and videos offer plenty of knowledge and inspiration, there is a significant gap between learning about tidying and actually tidying your space.
Imagine you want to master the piano. First, no matter how much someone encourages you, you won't be able to play a concerto if you've never learned how. Once you decide to learn, you can read books, watch tutorial videos, and follow inspiring pianists on social media to build your knowledge. But true skill only comes from hands-on experience.
The good news is that there are certified teachers who can guide you on your journey.
5 things I do as a tidying consultant
Just like a piano teacher guides students through the subtleties of musical theory and technique, as a tidying consultant, I use my expertise and experience to help you navigate your tidying journey with confidence.
But just as a piano teacher's role is not to play the piano for you, my goal is to to equip you with the ability to tidy, not to tidy for you. At the end of our time together, not only will you have tided your physical space, but you will also have transformed your relationship with your belongings, your home, and yourself. You will have activated the magic of tidying that transforms your life.
Here are five ways I help you in your tidying process:
- Certified expertise : I have an in-depth knowledge of tidying, particularly the Marie Kondo approach in which I am certified. I teach you the method and explain why we do things in a specific way. I show you practical techniques such as folding, space optimisation, and establishing good habits. I also have personal experience and that of my clients to better teach and guide you.
- Personalised advice : Unlike a book, I offer you advice tailored to your specific needs and challenges. Drawing on the Marie Kondo method, I help you tidy in a way that makes sense for you. After all, radical minimalism isn’t for everyone (it’s certainly not for me!), but tidying can be. Show me your tidying problems and we’ll find a solution.
- Real-time support : whether you have difficulty taking decisions or applying tidying techniques, I am available to provide you with clarifications. For example, the KonMari Method encourages us to keep items that spark joy, but this notion can be vague, especially when starting out. I offer guiding questions and practical exercises to help you grasp this approach. Even between sessions, all my private clients benefit from unlimited support via messaging
- Motivation and accountability : Tidying up can be intimidating and... it’s so easy to lose motivation or feel overwhelmed, especially if you’re alone. My presence ensures that you stay on track and determined to achieve your tidying goals.
- Efficiency and effectiveness : Time is a precious resource, so why not maximise efficiency and effectiveness? No more trial and error; I will teach you a tidying method that truly works and answer all your questions. Don’t wonder if a certain organisational solution will work; I’ve probably seen it before and can tell you. No more excuses for putting off tidying; I help you implement the simplest, most functional, and most sustainable solutions tailored to you.
Are you ready to embark on a joy-filled journey to transform your home and your life ?
I am here to guide you every step of the way.