atelier tokimeki

Mini bag, maxi pleasure: How to pack using the Marie Kondo method


Since a very young age, I have traveled a lot (a lot). I have traversed the globe for pleasure, work, or a combination of both.

In recent years, my way of packing, even my approach to travel, has evolved. Most of the time, I travel only with a carry-on. Of course, it’s often cheaper, but it’s also so much more enjoyable!

I am convinced that there is a direct relationship between the amount of objects we own and what we believe we need. I am not a minimalist, but I have parted with many things thanks to the KonMari method. This process taught me that I didn’t really need that much, and that it is so liberating to declutter and lighten up. Since then, this approach also applies when I travel.

What I no longer do

Before I learned to take care of my belongings, I used to lug around overstuffed suitcases. To the point where I had to sit on them to close them, especially on the way back after shopping sprees that I never missed. Once, I even had to buy a travel bag to bring back all my shopping.

So, here are 3 things I no longer do:

    • Bringing a lot of things “just in case” which rarely, if ever, served me. By planning your stay, you can have a good idea of what to bring. In case of an emergency, you can always find a solution. Once in London, I decided to go out more glamorously than I had planned. Since I hadn’t brought any makeup, I went to a makeup counter in a department store where I got a free makeover by a pro.
    • Prioritizing shopping at the destination, or even traveling just to shop: There are so many more things to do! What a shame to spend your time browsing stores (which are often the same as those at home). Let’s spend on experiences, not things. This may seem obvious, but it took a good decluttering session for me to realize it.
    • Bringing back giftsI used to buy gifts on every trip for my family, friends, and colleagues. Even though it didn’t stress me out, I saw it as a duty and would wander around shops looking for something to buy. I’m embarrassed to remember that I once brought back a bottle of brandy from Romania for my husband, who doesn’t drink alcohol, simply because it was the only local thing I found in the duty-free shop. Needless to say, that bottle remained untouched at the back of the cupboard.n

My top 5 tips for traveling light without depriving yourself

And here are tried and tested tips, the fruits of a long learning process:

    1. Comfort : Your travel wardrobe — and your home wardrobe, for that matter — should consist only of items in which you feel good. In other words, travel only with pieces you already know. It would be a shame to cut a visit short because of new shoes that hurt!
    2. Layering : choose clothes that can be layered, as they are not only more versatile but also lighter and less bulky. Additionally, this allows you to easily adapt to the day’s weather. Pro tip: wear the bulkiest pieces during travel.
    3. Folding & packing cubes : pliez vos vêtements selon la méthode KonMari, ils seront plus faciles à écraser que si vous les roulez. Rangez vos vêtements à la vérticale dans des sacoches de rangement (voici une vidéo tuto). Once you arrive at your destination, you can simply transfer the packing cubes into the drawers or, if there aren’t any, onto the shelves.
    4. Small containers for cosmetics I used to stock samples to use during trips, but I stopped because I prefer to bring products I already know. I transfer the necessary amount of my usual creams and lotions into small containers. A small effort to avoid unpleasant dermatological surprises while traveling.
    5. Doing laundry on-site : The simplest solution for traveling light? Bring fewer things! So, don’t hesitate to do laundry on-site. For trips longer than a weekend, I bring a small piece of Marseille soap to hand wash underwear. To speed up drying, wrap the item in a clean towel and wring it out before hanging it up.

    Upon your return, take the time to thank your faithful travel companion Air out and wipe your suitcase. Before storing it. It’s like giving it a little bath before tucking it away until the next adventure.

    I hope these tips can enhance your holidays this summer ☀️
