atelier tokimeki

Témoignage: Emi

« There is no way I can get rid of this »

« I feel bad about throwing this one away »

« No, I have to keep them. »

Because of these thoughts, I kept piling up so many items... very sentimental items.

In October 2021, we decided to move from California to Texas. As I prepared to move, I decided to get rid of as many items as possible and achieve a more minimalist lifestyle. This was a great aspiration, and I was far from being a ‘minimalist’ version of myself.

Every time I tried to get rid of items, I had a strong resistance to letting them go.

I had heard about the KonMari method, and my heart was calling me to use this method to prepare for our move. That's when I received help from Yuri, and I am so grateful to him.

She provided me with a guide, and I followed the steps. The biggest takeaway from this method and the moving process was that « Letting go of things does not mean losing them ».

Having two daughters, I have collected so many 'special' items, such as gifts and drawings my children made, as well as crafts we did together.

Gratitude towards the items was the missing piece in my inability to let things go.

I learned to be grateful and to appreciate the memories we created together. I couldn't get rid of all the items, but I was able to gracefully part with some, while still carrying the associated memories within me. These precious memories are always with me and will remain with me forever.

Decluttering is actually very liberating and this experience creates more space to live with tranquility and gratitude..

I can never thank Yuri enough for supporting my move from California to Texas!